Drop me a line, …. agencies@francoangelino.com

Who am I


2024: supporting character in the upcoming movie “Per amore tuo” directed by Leonardo D’Augelli.

2024: “Un mare molto profondo…”: Thriller/Dramatic short movie directed by Giulio Angelino and Gregorio Audasso. Role: Antagonist

2023: “Heart Fighter”: (Upcoming) dramatic short movie directed by Andrew J. Jannings. Role: protagonist. Note: First completely English-spoken role

2022: “Ronnie e Paco”: Adventure Comedy written and directed by Giulio Angelino, Franco Angelino as coprotagonist.

2021: “Codice Sicario”: Pulp/Comedy/Parody written and directed by Riccardo Marangon, Franco Angelino as coprotagonist.

2021: “Missione al mercato Ittico”: Dramatic noir written and directed by Fabio Fontana; Franco Angelino as lead protagonist; this short was the winner of the “Best Short Movie” award in the Youth category of the Milano Film Festival.

2020: “Subumano”


 psychological thriller directed by Giulio Angelino, written by Giulio Angelino and Franco Angelino; main character Franco Angelino; this short film was selected among the finalists of the Film Competition “House Film Festival”, organized by “The Palma Movie” in Turin;

2019: “GONZI“: Drama/Thriller/grotesque written and directed by Denis Previtera, Franco Angelino as main character. This short film was selected among the finalists of the Film Competition “Sottodiciotto Film Festival”, in Turin, organized by “Aiace Torino”.

2018/2019: “Zero Negativo”


thriller/noir directed by Franco Angelino, written by Franco Angelino and Giulio Angelino; main character Franco Angelino. This short film was subject of examination by the Chair of Film Direction (University of Turin) with Professor and Director Massimiliano De Serio, scoring 30/30.


2024: PRIMA DI NOI (RAI production): Selected as extra in the role of a special policeman

2023: LIDIA POET (NETFLIX production): Selected as a special figuration as a Waltz Dancer.

2022: CANALE 5 – ITALIAN NATIONAL TV CHANNEL “Forum”: Italian Format based on fake trials performed by actors. I played a fake witness with my same name, in the episode broadcasted on October 19th 2022.


2024: “Il Pensiero” Psycological Drama directed by Luca Guerini. This play will be represented in a tour across all Italy. Role: Vassili/Kraft one the four characters in the play.

2024: “La Famiglia”: Dramedy written by Giuseppe Volpe, directed by Paolo Belletruti and Giovanni Raso. Franco Angelino as one of the protagonists.

2022: “Sofincoma”: Dramedy written by Sofia Casini and directed by Moreno Puglia, Franco Angelino in coprotagonist role.

2019/2022: “La visuale dell’aquila”: Satirycal Comedy on the Second World War written, directed and portrayed by Franco Angelino, Niccolò Casassa e Manuel Marco;

2018: “Caligula”, by Albert Camus: directed by di Maurizio Messana, Franco Angelino as main character;

2017: “The Birds” by Aristophanes: directed by Tommaso Massimo Rotella. Franco Angelino as the main character Pisetero;

2016: “Mostellaria” by Plautus: directed by Tommaso Massimo Rotella. Franco Angelino as the co- protagonist Callidamate;

2015: “The Frogs” by Aristophanes: directed by Tommaso Massimo Rotella. Franco Angelino as co protagonist Eschilo;

2014: “Oresteia” by Aeschylus: directed by Tommaso Massimo Rotella; Franco Angelino as Egisto;

2013: “Antigone” by Sophocles: directed by Tommaso Massimo Rotella Franco Angelino as the antagonist Creonte;

2012: “Tutta un’altra razza” written and directed by Alfredo Ferrero. Franco Angelino as Co- Protagonist.

2011: “Grazie Mille” written and directed by Alfredo Ferrero: Franco Angelino as Co- Protagonist.


2024: Selected as presenter and Showman for the Live Quiz Game “IL CERVELLONE”.

2023- : Murder Mystery Dinner

2022 Heaven World: Selected as main presenter, vocalist and lead dancer of a new Heaven World music festival in Tavagnasco (TO) on October 31st and December 23rd and hosted different artists such as Rosa Chemical and Boro Boro.


2023 Professional academic acting training, alongside with radio speaker lessons with Giovanni Raso former student of the academy Silvio D’Amico in Rome and Ceo of Universal Foxy (studio based in Turin).

2022 Intensive Workshop on Meisner method with Giacomo Pace, a former student of Stella Adler Studio of Acting, managed by “Daimon Teatro” in Turin, during July

2022 from 15th to 17th. 2021 Acting, character study, mimic and diction classes conducted by Actor Coach Calogero Marchese, founder of the “Bottega Attori” school for actors.

2019 Actors Workshop on Strasberg method, Danny Lemmo Director and Actor Coach, NY Actor Studio’s member; managed by “Piccolo Teatro Rossini” at Casciana Alta village in May 2019 from 17th to 19th.

2018/2019 Private diction and vocal phonetics classes with Theatrical Actress Teresa Caporale, in Turin.

2017/2018 Drama Classes on Stanislavskij method, organized by “Gruppo Teatro 1” in Turin, taught by Director Maurizio Messana.

2017 Actor Workshop with Actress Carla Tatò, held in Turin and organized by “Pratici e Vaporosi” Cultural Association.

2012/2017 -Drama and Character Study conducted by Director and Actor Tommaso Massimo Rotella, organized every year at Carlo Botta High School of Ivrea (Turin);

2012/2017 Member of the High School Theatre Company “Le Voci di Dioniso”, Main Character of several shows of “G.Giacosa” Theatre of Ivrea

2010/2012 Drama Classes conducted by Director and Actor Alfredo Ferrero, organized every year by Middle School “Modesto Panetti” at Strambino village (Turin);

2007/2012 Drama Lab “Laboratorio della Fabula” conducted by Drama Teachers Patrizia Becchio and Gino Abrigo, organized by City Council of Cigliano (VC)


Break Dance since 2021 with Danny Iuliano (Dex Dexaglia) asteacher.

Hip Hop since 2011, under the supervision of several teachers, I have specialized in Michael Jackson’s dance style.


Guitar (acoustic/electric/bass): studied since 2010, under the guidance of teachers Luca Catalano, Roberto Malerba and Luca Rosa Sentinella.



English: Advanced

French: Fair level

2017/2021: Bachelor’s Degree In Film and Performing Arts (DAMS) University of Turin. I attended the classes of Direction Training Course held by Professor and Director Massimiliano De Serio and the Film Script Writing Course with Prof. Giaime Alonge.

2012/2017: Gymnasium “Carlo Botta”- Ivrea (TO)


Sport: Crossfit


